Does your roof need some reworking? Or does the antenna on top of your roof need to be shifted?
Well, you are going to be needing a ladder to help you do the job. Now that could prove to be much more difficult then you might think it to be, especially if it is a sloped roof.
However, you have wondered about to the right place, because here we will tell you exactly how to put a ladder on a sloped roof in the safest way possible. You will get detailed narration on the steps you have to take to get the job done.
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Why Is It Hard to Put a Ladder on the Sloped Roof?
Well, the problem does not really arise if you want to put a ladder on a more normal or flat roof. The main issue with the ladder and the roof comes up is the surface is sloped or steep. You will have difficulties to place and secure the ladder on the roof.
The steepness of the roof will not allow the ladder to stay on straight, rather it will be slanted, which in turn would increase your risk of falling off. You might also see that the ladder will start to slip once you place it on the roof.
Due to these issues, you will need a little bit of help with your task of setting the ladder on a sloped roof.
How to Put a Ladder on a Sloped Roof?
Let’s walk you through the entire process of putting a ladder on a sloped roof;
Things You Need to Set the Ladder in Place
In order to ensure you are able to safely secure the ladder in place before you get on, you must buy a few things. These will be essential in achieving the task you have set out to do.
The Proper Ladder
The first thing you have to make sure you have in this situation is a ladder. But make no mistakes, you cannot use a normal or random ladder for the job. You have to get a good quality ladder that has grippers at the bottom. This will prevent the ladder from slipping too easily.
Also, you need to be very careful about the kind of ladder you choose for the job as roofs are not the same as the ground. They are not made of the same material as the floor is, so the impact of the ladder will obviously be different on the roof in comparison to the floor. There are specific ladders for roofs.
You will also have to measure the length of your roof so that the ladder you get is not too short. So, you can get a ladder with extension, that way you will not have to worry about a shortcoming.
If you use the wrong kind then chances are you might leave dents on the roof, you might even end up damaging it to an extent which has to be repaired by professionals. You sure would not want to spend your hard-earned money by making a mistake such as this one.
Knowledge of the Material of the Roof
Just as it is necessary for you to find out the best and the right ladder for the roof, you also need to identify what your roof is made of. That will also help to determine which type of ladder would be the most useful. This will also let you know whether you can put a ladder on the roof at all.
If the answer is no, then there is no way you should get a roof on top of the roof. Because chances are the roof will break, and you will fall with it. And that is not a logical answer to your problem.
A PiVit Ladder Tool
To make your job significantly much easier, you can try and invest in a PiVit ladder tool. You could also borrow or rent it from someone if you do not want to spend the money on buying something you will only use a few times.
Now this tool is very simple; the main idea is that it tries to create a kind of flat surface for the ladder to stand on. You have to place it under the leg on the ladder which is on the lower side of the roof. What this will do is elevate the leg up to the same level as the other one.
So, your ladder will not be slanted anymore. This will reduce the risk of your ladder slipping and you falling off your roof and getting injured.
How to Stabilise the Ladder to a Roof?
Now that we know the steps you need to take before you get on the roof with your roof, we are now ready to move ahead and talk about what you need to do. Make sure the ladder has been secured to the roof in the proper way.
Step 1: Gather All the Necessary Tools
Before you get on the roof, you have to gather and collect all the things you need in order to do the task you wanted to. Take all of it up to the roof at first, don’t leave anything behind as you do not want to keep going back and forth.
Step 2: Set up the Ladder
The next thing on your to-do list would be to take the ladder up to the roof and start setting it up.
To begin the setup process, at first, you have to place the PiVit where you would like the bottom leg of the ladder to go. You can attach a gripper at the bottom of your PiVit to make sure it does not slip when you are on the ladder.
Once you know the tool is in place; you can place your ladder on it at an angle of your choice.
Step 3: Get Some Help
Even when your ladder is secured in the roof, you should still try to be on the safe side given that you are a beginner at using ladders. If someone is there to hold and stabilize it then you will feel more confident.
And that is all there is to set the ladder on the roof. You will need ladder support for the roof and take a few precautionary steps to avoid any danger.
There you go, now you know how to put a ladder on a sloped roof. The whole process is very easy if you use the right things. But, if you are new to this, then you should think first before you get on the roof. You do not want to hurt yourself for no reason at all.